Garden Ideas
06 April 2023 - 21:52

Zen garden ideas to create a calming and tranquil landscape

06 April 2023 - 21:52

Zen garden ideas are particularly good for grassless garden ideas due to the emphasis on gravel, planters and curved pathways.

1. Add a stepping stone path

A lot of gardens will have a path that goes from the lawn to the shed, back of the house or side gate. This is the perfect opportunity for garden path ideas that are not only useful but can encourage mindfulness. Using stepping stones requires you to walk around your garden more slowly and focus more on every step and take a journey around your garden and immerse yourself in nature. 

‘A path does not always have to be purely useful. They can also promote mindfulness when woven around a small tree, a statue, or water. The effect is enhanced when we incorporate some of our favourite stepping stone concepts because each step requires concentration, naturally slowing the pace. So keep the lines bent and choose natural stone,’ says Harry Bodell, gardening expert at Price Your Job(opens in new tab).